We help real estate professionals identify key local amenities around their listed properties.
Simply enter in an address, what3words or latitude/longitude coordinate to locate nearby schools, childcare centres, public transport stops and many more points of interest. The map shows distance and commute time from your property.
We have sourced the most authoritative information on local amenities, Australia-wide. This information has been curated for the real estate sector.
The following information on local amenities is available:
More than just points on a map: we curate the highest quality information relevant to the real estate sector.
We have a wide range of data on primary and secondary schools as well as tertiary institutes (such as TAFE) and universities.
We also cater to special state-based classifications, such as selective schools.
We have the list of all childcare centres in Australia so your little ones are always cared for.
For peace of mind, we have researched healthcare and emergency service providers in Australia so you can rest assured that help is just around the corner.
Getting to where you need to go is a part of daily life: We have collected Australia's public transport network so you know where you can start your journey.
Everyone needs time for rest and relaxation: this data set features Australia's wonderful range of parks and beaches.
Whether it's getting the weekly groceries or posting a letter, we have located Australia's shopping centres and post offices.
Multicultural Australia welcomes all faith and religions and we have found all the places of worship across this wonderful country.
The My House Geek map sidebar summarises major points of interest - providing insights at a glance.
Summary statistics provide the edge you need in today's fast-paced industry: each listing includes a list of subcategories such as school types and public transport methods. So you can deliver detailed insights to your customers.
The value is in the detail: clicking on an icon in our maps shows key information. Saving you time researching your new home's amenities.
Our maps are mobile friendly: whether embedded in your website or viewed in our portal, you can access our property insights on-the-go.
My House Geek is a real estate advertising service, and we endeavour to enhance the home buying and browsing experience, by offering valuable data, data-visualisation tools and knowledge optimising applications.
We intend for this to assist real estate agents and property developers to discover key amenities surrounding their advertised properties.My House Geek achieves this by developing sophisticated geospatial software using curated, quality information.
Unique and timely insights are presented in an pleasing and accessible interface.
By 2023, to be Australia's most trusted service for finding and analysing Australian residential, commercial and community housing.
We deliver the best quality service to our customers
We value honesty and act with equity, justice and truth
We achieve the best outcomes through hard work, innovative design and teamwork
We hold ourselves to the highest standards, taking responsibility for the impact our services have on the environment and the community
Our strength comes from embracing our similarities, celebrating our differences and sharing a common focus